Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Southern California Rebels joins us...

What better way to show your team pride than to have your team logo blinged out? That's exactly what my dear friends from the Southern California Rebels did this last week. What an amazing design to begin with but once I got a hold of it, it would never be the same!! I just love how it sparkles in the sun!! Added on one of my favorite longer length basic sheer tanks, this was definately a winner!!
So if you are in doubt if your logo will or will not work, give us a call and let us see what we can do for you. It never hurts to ask!!!
Isn't it time we (us Crazy Sportz Mom's) had something other than a Man's tee to wear? No offense men, we love seeing your team pride in the ever popular "Man Tee", but we are Women!! We are the mom's who sit on the sidelines, bleachers and stands for countless hours of practice and never ending tournaments. Driving all over God's beautiful creation for training and games. We finally found something that will compliment our love for our children's team or organization. So go with it and show your team pride....in bling!!!

We send our thanks to the Southern California Rebels for allowing us the opportunity to bling your logo out! We wish you much luck and success!! We will surely see you out on the field in a tournament somewhere!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Unforgettable Foundation Blings it Out

This Fourth of July was more than just celebrating our country's birthday by the pool with family and friends....it was about getting out there for a great cause and making yourself known during an important day. Our friends at The Unforgettable Foundation, with a little help from CrazySportzMom, headed out to the California Speedway in Fontana, California, set up a table, sold some "Unforgettable Bling wear" and got some people to know this wonderful organization and what they stand for.
We have been very privilaged to know them prior to making some bling for this event and for their upcoming puppies...more of that to come in another blog update....our children play along side with 2 of Rose's grandchildren and as much as we love those 2 grandchildren of hers, I can see where they get it from....Rose is one incredible woman who wears many hats. We admire her dedication to this foundation that helps many families with the expenses of the burial of their little ones. As sad as it sounds, this is a very common thing in our area. And to our dismay, the numbers have risen over the last year.
Check out their web site and if you're heart strings are getting tugged to help, please contact them. It has truly been a blessing for us to have met Rose and her team and to become aware of something that is just in our backyard....
We dedicate this and many more postings to those who have lost a little one. Our prayers our with you!!