Monday, February 16, 2009

Blogger vs. GoDaddy

So I decided to jump ship last night and not use the GoDaddy blogcast I had originally set up. I just found myself wasting too much time uploading and switching things around like everyday and still not completely happy with it. So now I'm with Blogger and I'm finding this is suiting me just least for now. I'm a pain when it comes to making things right and managing the blog is no different. This seems to be running better, stronger, faster...ok maybe not stronger but I had to throw that in there (I grew up watching the Six Million Dollar Man)....

Anyways in sharing my excitement with my husband who is working out of home today (I love spending more time with him in any way), he asked me to set up our travel ball club blog too. Hey wait, did I say that I was busy? Gladly I set it up (I do anything for him) and now I have the privelage of doing both....which is perfectly fine since I am a CrazySportzMom afterall.

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