From the packaging.... the tag.... long awaited gypsy wear was worth the wait. I am so excited to finally get them. These two little darlins' will look great with some worn out jeans I have...I can hardly wait...
After such a hectic day today, this couldn't have come at a better time. The day started off right; read my bible, had my coffee done early and was dressed to drop off the youngin's. But somehow, we noticed a strange smell in the air; there was a gas leak nearby. Unsure where it was coming from but at first the kids weren't allowed at school. A little reassurance and bringing Nolan his cell phone, I think they were ok. After an hour, the smell had subsided and all was good in the Orange-Hood...
So off to our first appointment of the day; met with a Baseball and Softball Tournament Organzition. We proposed some pricing for our baseball and softball bling and left with smiles on our looked promising!! Keep your fingers crossed!! After that we dropped off some items to get done for one of our kids' baseball teams, then off to get an order in Fullerton. Of course, things couldn't go that smoothly...heck no, it's Friday! With gas leak scares gone and the gitter-bugs just leaving our stomachs from our meeting, we were faced with a "bling emergency"...yes they happen. Then to top it off, one of the kids are sick and need to be picked up. Thank goodness for Ang's wonderful man; he was able to get her and all is calm...for the moment until we get back to our "bling emergency". On our way home, we stop in Corona and run into an old friend and she gives me some fashion dirt on where to go and where to buy...thanks Melissa! I owe you! That will be our field trip next week! I can't wait!!! Wear tennis shoe's Ang cause we are gonna be walkin' girl!!!
So we come back to bling central (my home), Ang works on King and Poly Bling orders, organizes the next batch of shirts for our OTHER baseball team to get screened for our March of Dimes Walk next week (that's another story I'll have to share later) and began getting the "emergency" under's not quite done, but getting there!
Then my hero (the UPS guy) comes and drops off my long awaited shirts from the junk gypsy's. I am so excited to get them that it just makes all the stuff we went thru today (oh and by the way, it's barely even 1 pm) seem so long ago. So I guess this venting session has done me some good. I am now able to start the weekend off right with the mindset that even though things don't go the way you plan (cause hey, life ain't fair sometimes) at least try to find the positive in it and don't dwell on the negative. Yeah sure, the emergency is still there, but at least I'll be looking cute in my gypsy-wear when I'm pulling my hair out...
Till later my friends....may you have a blessed weekend!!!