Sunday, April 19, 2009

Glamis Girls goes Crazy

Not an ordinary Sunday at CSM Central...we've been busy doing some custom designs for Solar Max (that was the "bling emergency" we had on Friday but all is good now...great job Ang!!) and now these adorable Fidel Caps with a little Glamis Girl bling on it. Requested by some friends, these cute little babies will be eaten up like hot-cakes come Monday morning at school.
Available in pink, camo, sand, grey and black. Get yours today and have it ready for those crazy-riding, dune-chasing days at Glamis. Of course we will not be responsible for Fidel caps that become lost, stolen or just plain falling off your head when out riding...but we would be happy to replace one for you!!!

Happy Trails to you and may your dunes shine ever so brightly with your Glamis Girl Bling!!

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