Sunday, March 29, 2009


I love weekends that allow you to be you...just hanging out at home from busy weeks make one re-gather thoughts and dreams for the soul. Enjoying the warm So-Cal weather and my beautiful backyard that is in full bloom...peaches are growing, flowers are in bloom, and the citrus tree aroma fills my patio area...After baseball on Friday, I headed into the weekend without any definite plans for myself; for 1 of my sons, that was quite the opposite. With sleepovers, 2 parties and a UCR baseball game with dad left our 9 year old exhausted. Oh to just crawl up on the couch and sleep after all that...those days are few and far between.

Saturday I woke up with a tug on my mind...I had purchased 2 of the cutest tee's and tanks from the Junk Gypsy's at on Friday. After exploring their Rebel Road Sista website, I began thinking...we have successfully instilled in our children the foundation of God, Family and Friends but where is the sense of wonder and exploration? Why not just take off for the weekend, away from all the city drama and just take off your shoes in run in the open field? Enjoy Nature, God and Family? And so it began...I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I stepped out of the box and repainted the sofa table...oh the sofa table that was so plain and boring before...has now become transformed into something that will be a constant reminder of this weekend of self exploration...when my inner Gypsy came out.
Here are my before and after pics.
The sofa table was screaming for a make-over....

So after a light sand, I painted it red, red, red (at the suggestion of my fellow Gypsians, Tracy and Shelly)...I bet she's screaming now...

...then rubbed her down with a chocolate-black paint to give her a more worn-out finish; so she has a story to tell of her journey...

All I have to do now is add the glass handle I bought at a local Antique store here in Riverside (oh we are loaded with them in Downtown Riverside...I love my city!)
This little baby will go back behind the couch in the family kids will think I'm weird...I'll just call it my inner road trip...

With a Saturday evening free for my husband and myself, we headed down to Duane's at the Mission Inn...oh I LOVE that restaurant and area! I had their chopped salad (Julienne Trio of Lettuces, Red Onion, Mushrooms, Green Olives, Bacon, Hearts of Palm and Crumbled Blue Cheese tossed with Garlic Vinaigrette) which I know this week I will be back for more; it was the best salad I've ever tasted in my entire LIFE! We enjoyed filet mignon and lobster with a glass of Cakebread Chardonnay, then topped off the dinner with Banana's Jubilee prepared table-side. We talked and laughed and were reminded why we are so made for each other. He is truly my best friend!
This weekend was much needed for us both. We needed to regather our thoughts, shake off the winter-gloom days, and start the week off right...our kids will appreciate it! Plus I had an opportunity to get back to doing the things I love to do; sit and enjoy my beautiful home and start (and finish) a fun project to add to our sanctuary!
The journey will not stop here my friends...stay tuned for some changes in CrazySportzMom...where maybe a "blinging gypsy" may appear out of nowhere...

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