Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We Will IM-PRESS You....

Boy is she hot....the press silly! Well we can be too but that's besides the point. We are super excited about our new purchase. I know the machine isn't cute, pink or have bling on it, but it is a big step for us. This is our new baby and her name is Patty...Patty Press! The first thing we blinged out was this Crazy Baseball Mom tote bag that is going to be one of the raffle gifts we have set aside for this Saturday when we have our booth set up for Little League Opening Day. We are excited to show our bling stuff to this other league in our area.
We will be there from 7 am - 5 pm; come on by for the festivities, food and bling! I hope they set us next to our friend Diana and her delicious Sports Salsa (oh gosh you have to buy some of that) and to our friend-gone-family member Chad who will be selling these awesome wall pics of your child. I guess I'll have to order one for each of my 5 children and 1 grandbaby...
All in all it was a great day today. We are just super excited to have our heat press and ready to rock-n-bling (instead of roll) with all of our stuff. We thank you all for your support and business!

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